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This poem was written the day before we laid our son to rest:
August 22, 2012 at 2:05am

For all the months I carried you, my belly growing with your love

Feeling your kicks and moving gifts from the Father up above

Each day I dreamed of your little face

And when your cries would fill up our space

Our family against thh world

A little boy for daddy, I already have my little girl

I couldn’t wait to touch your hair and kiss your cheeks

towards the end but it still felt like it could be weeks!

The night I was to birth you I just felt different, and new

I could do it and your little life would come through

I pushed through the pain,

because what is a storm with no rain

and though it hurt so much

I couldn’t wait to see your face and feel your touch

My son was born and my heart was so full

Born in our home in a birthing pool

No doctors whisked you away

Right by my side and Daddy’s you would stay

I didn’t know your heart was weak

You were so big Hill, how could I know you wouldn’t awaken from your sleep?

We only got three days with our new son

And in those three days my heart was won

I loved your eyes

such a beautiful surprise

And to kiss those baby cheeks and lips

This is something I can never forget

Mama is not strong

you been gone from my arms far too long

And i don’t know how to live

I had so much love to give

You were Daddy’s little best friend

And Tally couldn’t wait for you to come in

And be a part of our family

Daddy, Tally, Marcus Hillkiah and Me

I miss you so, and how much will you ever know

but one day i will have my baby again

I can’t ever forget you or stop loving you, it will never end

All i have are pictures and clothes and blankets, just memories

And I feel like these are nothing of what could and should be

It hurt me to see your heart stopped beating

Its so hard for me to get up,

Dont want my little sweetheart’s memory fleeting

If there was anything I could do to make you come back I would

In a world so bad, why does He take the good?

But I know the Most High has a purpose and a plan

I just wish I could see you grow up and become a man.